Bogota rolling: aromatica, minutos, tintos y chicles. A glimpse into the formal and informal jobs based on human-traction vehicles
Date: 2015
Each city is marked by town planning or lack of it, architecture, and the everyday life dynamics of their citizens. This artistic research was done in Bogota, Colombia, a Southern hemisphere metropolis in which, on a daily basis, thousand of people keep looking for potential work, both informal or formal. My research focuses on informal-work solutions involved human-traction vehicles. This work explores the workers displacements forced by informal work that create particular threads that cross heterogeneous spaces in Bogota.
I explore eight neighborhoods during an eighteen-month dwelling period to create these multiples run-throughs. Photos, videos, drawings, google maps interventions, have been key elements to capture, visualize, and analyze the material gathered during these months.

Twenty paths of about four kilometers in length were traversed during different hours while crossing middle-class residential zones as well as industrial zones.
I used Google Maps to help me visualize the zones and the size of the areas I was interested. Google Earth measuring tools allows me to have precise measurements and possible paths for my run-throughs, as well as information about traffic, and local images of those paths. These materials helped me to have a general impression of the areas I was going to explore.
I used Google Maps to help me visualize the zones and the size of the areas I was interested. Google Earth measuring tools allows me to have precise measurements and possible paths for my run-throughs, as well as information about traffic, and local images of those paths. These materials helped me to have a general impression of the areas I was going to explore.